Our projects

Andrew Bagnall

Former Placement MSc student

B.Sc. Hons. (Bangor University) Zoology with Marine Zoology, PGCE (University of Glasgow) Biology

Research Interests

Andrew is undertaking a part time MSc by research at the University of Edinburgh (supervised by Dr Gurå Bergkvist and Dr Alastair Macdonald), and RZSS (Dr Gill Murray-Dickson).  His research interest is in the use of DNA collected from the guts of blowflies, captured in tropical forest to identify the species of mammal occurring there.

He has a particular interest in the Seram bandicoot (Rhynchomeles prattorum); a marsupial known only from seven specimens collected on the Indonesian island of Seram in 1920.


B.Sc. Hons. (Bangor University) Zoology with Marine Zoology
PGCE (University of Glasgow) Biology

Funding acknowledgement

Fieldwork for this project has been supported by the Mohamed Bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund and the John Muir Trust.