Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions refer to the use of this and other RZSS websites.

mansion house exterior taken from mansion house lawn with green hedges and trees in shot IMAGE: Robin Mair 2024

Edinburgh Zoo entry terms and conditions

View our entry terms
Polar bear statue in car park of Highland Wildlife Park IMAGE: FoSho 2023

Highland Wildlife Park entry terms and conditions

View our entry terms

Who we are

RZSS is dedicated to environmental education and the conservation of threatened species. Widely respected as one of the foremost zoological centres in Europe, RZSS’ mission is: 

To inspire and excite our visitors with the wonder of living animals, and so to promote the conservation of threatened species and habitats.

RZSS achieve this mission through a variety of programmes in conservation, education and research all directed towards a better understanding of zoology and the environment. Animal welfare is RZSS’ highest priority, and we are constantly finding new and effective ways of providing the animals in our care with appropriate, stimulating and naturalistic habitats.

RZSS owns and operates Edinburgh Zoo and Highland Wildlife Park.


"Ark” means Ark Enterprises Limited, a company incorporated in Scotland (Company No. SC121528) with its registered office at Edinburgh Zoo, Edinburgh, EH12 6TS

“Edinburgh Zoo” means the visitor attraction known as Edinburgh Zoo located at Edinburgh, EH12 6TS

“Highland Wildlife Park” means the visitor attraction known as Highland Wildlife Park located at Kincraig, PH21 1NL;

“RZSS” means the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, a charity registered in Scotland, charity number SC004064

“Terms and Conditions” means these terms and conditions

"We” or “us" or “our” means Ark;

"Website" means the whole or any part of the website controlled or operated by Ark and located at edinburghzoo.org.uk and highlandwildlifepark.org.uk or any subsequent URL which may replace it

"You" or “your” means a party that visits and/ or uses the Website

User obligation

Use of the Website by you constitutes your acknowledgement and acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, which take effect on the date on which you first use the site. By accessing, using and/ or downloading materials from the Website, you agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions please do not use or access the Website. 

We reserve the right to change the Terms and Conditions at any time by posting changes online and it is your responsibility as a user of the Website to check regularly to determine whether the Terms and Conditions have been changed. If you do not agree to any change to the Terms and Conditions then you should not continue to use the Website. Your continued use of the Website after changes are posted constitutes your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions as modified.

If you do not accept the Terms and Conditions in full you should cease using the Website immediately.

Copyright and Other Intellectual Property

We are, unless otherwise stated, the owner or licensee of the copyright and database rights in and to the Website and its contents. No part of the Website may be copied, published, distributed, extracted, or reproduced in any form (including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication), except as permitted by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or the Copyright and Rights in Databases Regulations 1997.

You acknowledge and agree that all intellectual property rights, including without limitation, copyright, trademarks and all other intellectual property rights in and to all material or content on this Website shall remain at all times vested in us or our licensors. You are permitted to use this material only as expressly authorised by us.

Terms of use

The use of the Website is only for lawful purposes, in a manner which does not infringe the rights of any third party or restrict or inhibit the use and enjoyment of the Website by any third party. 

Such restriction or inhibition includes, but is not limited to, conduct which is defamatory, or which may harass, cause distress or inconvenience to any person and the transmission of obscene or offensive content or interruption of the normal flow of dialogue within this site.

Disclaimer/Limitation of Liability

The Website and the content contained therein, including information, names, images, pictures, logos and icons relating to us and/or any of our products and services (or to third party products and services including websites), is provided without any representation or endorsement being made and without warranty of any kind and any such that are implied whether by statute, common law or otherwise, are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

The Website’s content may include inaccuracies and typographical errors. We do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the Website’s content or the reliability of any statement or other information displayed or distributed through the Website.  By using the Website you acknowledge that any reliance on any such statement or information shall be at your sole risk. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to correct any errors or omissions in any part of the Website and to make changes to the Website content at any time without notice. In no event will we and/or third parties be liable to you for any damages including, but not limited to, indirect or consequential damages arising from your use of the Website, provided that nothing in the Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to exclude or limit our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence.

We do not warrant that the functions contained on or accessed from the Website will be uninterrupted or error free or that defects will be corrected or that the Website or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or bugs. We may at our sole discretion terminate, change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the Website, including the availability of any features or functionality of the Website, at any time without notice or liability.

RZSS Products

All products and services mentioned, promoted or advertised on the Website are subject to availability. 

Links to Third Party Websites

The Website may include links to other websites that are not owned or controlled by us. We do not control and are not responsible for any external websites and/ or the content at such websites. Any links to third party websites from the Website do not amount to any endorsement of that website or its content by us and any use of such website by you is at your own risk. 


By using the Website you agree to indemnify us and keep us indemnified from and against all claims, damages, expenses, costs and liabilities arising in any manner from your use of the Website other than in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.

Contributions to RZSS

By sharing any contribution (including any text, photographs, graphics, video or audio) with us you grant to us, free of charge, all requisite permission to lawfully use all such material (and/ or any part thereof) on the Website worldwide in any way we wish (including modifying and adapting it for operational and editorial reasons) in perpetuity.

In order that we can use your contribution, you confirm by submitting it to us that your contribution is your own original work, it is not defamatory and does not infringe any UK laws, is not in breach of any contract or agreement, that you have the right to grant us permission to use it for the purposes specified above, and that you have the consent of anyone who is identifiable in your contribution or the consent of their parent / guardian if they are under 16.

We normally show your name with your contribution, unless you request otherwise, but for operational reasons this is not always possible. We may need to contact you for administrative or verification purposes in relation to your contribution, or in relation to particular projects. For full details of when and how we may contact you please see the Website’s Privacy Policy.

If you do not want to grant us the permission set out above on these terms, please do not submit or share your contribution with us.

Law and jurisdiction

The Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Scotland. Disputes arising here from shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Scotland.


If any of the Terms and Conditions, or any parts thereof, should be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable by reason of the law of any state or jurisdiction in which the Terms and Conditions are intended to be effective, then to the extent and within such state or jurisdiction only in which that term or condition is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, it shall be severed and deleted from the Terms and Conditions and the remaining terms and conditions shall survive and continue to be binding and enforceable.

Access and Use Outside the United Kingdom

We make no representation that materials on the Website are appropriate or available for access and/ or use in other locations outside of the United Kingdom and access to them from any territories where the Website content or any part thereof is illegal is prohibited. If you access this site from a location outside of the United Kingdom, you are responsible for compliance with all local laws.

More Information

For more information contact us at:

The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland
Edinburgh Zoo
134 Corstorphine Road
EH12 6TS

0131 3349171

Registered Charity Number SC004064