Our projects

Dr Heather Ritchie-Parker

WildGenes Research Scientist

Research Interests 

Heather has a background in molecular ecology and evolution. Her previous work has focused on using genetic tools to investigate patterns of adaptation, population connectivity, phylogenetic relationships, and species identification of deep-sea animals. Now, working as a research scientist within RZSS WildGenes, Heather will be applying these skills and experiences to a variety of projects including studies on Northern rockhopper penguins and beavers. 


Heather is also very passionate about science communication and public outreach. She wants to share her love for the natural environment and to make science accessible for all. She is also a big advocate for promoting the conservation of lesser known species. 



PhD (University of Aberdeen, UK) Biological Sciences 

MRes (University of Aberdeen, UK) Applied Marine and Fisheries Ecology 

BSc (University of Aberdeen, UK) Marine Biology 


Previous Positions 

Young Research Fellow at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) studying the deepest living vertebrate species – the snailfishes. 


Research Fellow at the University of Aberdeen, UK investigating how deep-sea amphipod species have adapted to survive the crushing hydrostatic pressure of the hadal zone.  


Aquarium Guide at the Macduff Marine Aquarium, UK sharing knowledge of the local marine flora and fauna with the public. 



For all of Heather’s publications, please visit her Google Scholar page. (https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?hl=en&user=10A8UFMAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate